Direct to Garment printing, also known as DTGprinting is a process of printing on textiles andgarments using specialized or modified inkjettechnology. Direct to garment (DTG) printingis most commonly implemented on garmentsthat are made of cotton or cotton blends. DTGwas seen as a viable solution for low-quantityorders previously not possible because of thesetup process of screen printering. A primaryadvantage of DTG printing is the lower set-upcost and a quicker turnaround time notassociated with traditional garment printingmethods such as screen printing.
Screen Printing....
Screen Printing gives you the option to dolarge quantities of printed shirts, without thehigher price of embroidery. Logos are run byusing one or multiple screens with your logosimage burned into it. From there the ink isforced through the tiny holes that make upyour logo, with a fill blade or squeegee. Onceall of the screens have been run, then it’s offto a flat conveyor dryer to allow the ink to dry.